Foreign & Security Policy

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The Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation carries out works for contributing to a transparent, democratic and peaceful understanding of foreign policy. It supports projects that aim at enhancing the relations of Turkey with the EU and other regional actors, and incentives that contribute to civil society dialogue. Through conferences, research activities and publications it intends to create the necessary fund of knowledge and discussion platform for making Turkey’s foreign policy more comprehensible, monitorable and moldable by the civil society. 

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Publication Foreign &Security Policy


Life in migrant neighbourhoods:

The present research was undertaken to address the need for comprehensive data on the social integration or cohesion of migrants in Turkey. It discusses the findings of the quantitative and qualitative research in detail in subsequent sections.

Watching the “Donors’ Conference for the People of Turkey and Syria”

The EU has hosted a Donors’ Conference for the victims of the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes on 20 March. Check out our new factsheet by Onur Bahçecik to learn more about the background of the high-level conference. What do international donations cover? Through which mechanisms are they distributed? And how are they monitored?
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Türkiye'nin Batı Balkanlar'daki dış politikası / Turkish foreign policy in the Western Balkans - medyascope

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Libya’s proxy war and its future: Şebnem Arsu with Emadeddin Badi - medyascope

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