Green Mobility in the Cities Published: 16 June 2014 Heinrich Böll Stiftung, opens transportation policies of the cities up for discussion in the Green Economy Conference which will be the third of the series. Public transport but what kind? Which one is more environment friendly; metrobus, metro or buses? Are the bicycle roads part of the green fantasies for big cities or are they -sine qua non- absolutely necessary? Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, Yalova Municipality and the slow cities in Turkey will present their projects. These presentations will be followed by discussions together with the experts. We look forward to seeing you at the 3rd Green Economy Conference in Istanbul.
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010–2011 Published: 16 June 2014 Four weeks after the beginning of the nuclear crisis on Japan’s east coast, the situation at the country’s Fukushima Daiichi power plant remains far from stabilized. The damaged reactors continue to leak radioactivity, and although it is impossible to predict the overall impact of the disaster, the consequences for the international nuclear industry will be devastating. Mycle Schneider, Antony Froggatt, and Steve Thomas have again performed a vital public service by preparing this uniquely independent, thorough, and timely assessment of the global status of nuclear power, both before and after the Fukushima disaster began to unfold on March 11, 2011.
Monitoring report on Turkey’s Climate Change Action Plan released Published: 16 June 2013 In 2011, Turkey released Climate Change Action Plan, CCAP. Climate Change Action Plan is a unique plan that Turkey has. The plan does not have any greenhouse gas reduction or limitation target. CCAP...
The Green group in the European Parliament has voted on a position paper about Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Published: 16 June 2013 13 key measures to promote innovation and fight climate change Introduction Although technological innovation is only part of the overall solution to climate change, it is an essential aspect of it....