From the security dilemma to the human-centered survival dilemma in the Eastern Mediterranean: The environmental security approach Our EastMed dossier concludes with the article of Emre İşeri, where he suggests seeing the matter primarily from an environmental perspective. By Prof.Emre İşeri
Two practical proposals to solve eastern Mediterranean energy and boundary disputes Analysis Can the geopolitical crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean be overcome by an increased regional cooperation? By Prof. Michaël Tanchum
On the Value of Human Rights Analysis In 2020, we celebrate 75 years of the UN, the intergovernmental organization that, since its formation, aimed to maintain international peace, security, and a protection of human rights. Silke Voß-Kyeck, an expert on the United Nations and rapporteur for Forum Menschenrechte, explores the correlation between finances and human rights protection within the UN for the 75th anniversary of the organisation. By Silke Voß-Kyeck
Turkey’s East Med policy: Victory at home, isolation abroad Analysis The peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflict between Turkey and Greece would also help secure the stability and prosperity of today’s Europe. By Yunus Emre Açıkgönül
It's time for a transatlantic digital agenda Commentary The pandemic-driven boost of digital innovation holds opportunities, but it needs a sound political framework. From countering disinformation to preventing algorithmic discrimination, the U.S. and the EU need to work together to set the rules for our digital economies and societies. By Julia Reda
The Transatlantic Relationship: A Call to the Next Generation Where we stand In the future, the US and the EU will have to make even greater efforts to ensure the permanence and vitality of their relationship. Most importantly, the future dialogue will have to reflect the social, demographic and political realities on both sides of the Atlantic. This means, for example, that all sections of society must be represented in Washington and Brussels. By Rachel Rizzo
The social dimension of the coronavirus crisis in the USA Analysis The coronavirus crisis is leading to massive social distortions in the US. It is increasing the existing structural inequalities and discriminations in the US economy and society. By Bastian Hermisson
Of Engineers and Visionaries: Germany and France as Partners for Saving the Multilateral Order Analysis Close coordination and smooth cooperation between Berlin and Paris is crucial for Europe and its foreign politics, particularly considering rising intricate geopolitical rivalries. Differences in style and approach must not impede cooperation on substance and common interests.
Smart cars, transparent citizens? More safety, less congestion: Artificial intelligence could revolutionize our mobility. But networking vehicles and infrastructure poses new challenges for IT security and data protection. By Sabine Muscat and Zora Siebert
America’s Iran Policy: Between War-Weariness and Military Escalation Comment Donald Trump is caught in a deadlock of his own making. He does not want to find himself responsible for a new war in the Middle East right in the middle of an election campaign. At the same time, he wants to look like a tough guy who never backtracks. This is what is making the situation so unpredictable. By Bastian Hermisson