Another perpetrator of violence against women, who claims he is the victim Male violence on a public bus because of wearing shorts. What next?
Authoritarian repression under the pretext of sovereignty The repression of civil societies activites in countries like Egypt and Russia are justified with the "protection of the states sovereignity" and the "principle of non-intervention". When unwelcomed critique is silenced, activists need all our solidarity and support.
No right for digital participation in many regions of the world In many regions of the world the freedom of the Internet is just an illusion. Especially in Arab countries, the neighbouring states of Russia and Subsahara-Africa the year 2015 marked the lowest point for democratic participation and civil liberties.
An alarming situation: death at workplace In work accidents, Turkey is placed near the top both in Europe and the world.
The Murder of Hande Kader: The Latest Hoop in The Hate-Chain In order to protest Hande Kader’s murder, the last hoop in a long chain of hate crimes, LGBTI groups and women’s organizations gathered on the 21st of August under the slogan, that “trans murders are political” and asked for justice for both Hande and all the others who were victims of the “state-backed male violence”.
Gülen sect: Reached for the state, got capital instead A religious sect now defies the strongest political party in Turkey. There must be a reason for this alarming self-confidence. Is it rooted in history; that is, does the sect have a long heritage? By Ayşe Çavdar
For Democracy The present publication “For Democracy” outlines and analyzes the state of democracy worldwide as well as the possibilities of democracy assistance. pdf
Beirut: Recapture the City Everyday democracy: Only "licensee" may use the city park Horsh Beirut - a trend which has been evident for many green areas of the Lebanese capital. Supported by the Foundation, campaigns and organizations want to conquer the city for the population back.
Balancing act in Russia: Memorial - a little complicated and very successful Divided democracy: For 25 years, the Heinrich Böll Foundation works with Memorial, the best-known Russian NGO. Through the years it has become a "political friendship" developed, is the basis for many joint projects.
Afghanistan: Fights for transparency in resource depletion Responsible Democracy: The richness of Afghanistan in natural resources has great potential for conflict. Since 2012, the Heinrich Böll Foundation therefore moved deliberately in this politically sensitive terrain.