Dr. Pınar Sayan is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Beykoz University; Associate Fellow at Istanbul Political Research Institute and guest scholar at Raoul Wallenberg Institute. She is a recipient of the Martin Alexandersson Scholarship, Jean Monnet Scholarship, Humanity in Action Pat Cox Fellowship, Swedish Institute Fellowship, Georg Eckert Institute Fellowship, among others. Previously, she was a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge, Stockholm University and Georg Eckert Institute; Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability Fellow at Columbia University; acted as the Turkey Director of Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation, co-editor of Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation, and co-director of Roman Medya. She takes part in civil society projects addressing conflict transformation, human rights and minority rights. Her research interests are ethnicity and nationalism in European politics; the role of local and international actors in peace-building and conflict transformation.
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