Çağdaş Üngör

Çağdaş Üngör teaches at Marmara University’s Department of Political Science and International Relations in Istanbul. Her research interests include Chinese politics, Cold War studies, Sino-Turkish relations and international relations of East Asia. Prof. Üngör spent considerable time in the People’s Republic of China before earning her Ph.D. in Chinese history from the State University of New York in Binghamton. Prof. Üngör contributes to various Turkish and international journals on China-related topics and Sino-Turkish relations. Her academic publications include Turkey in the Cold War: Ideology and Culture (ed. with Cangül Örnek, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013), Asya Pasifik Çalışmalarında Yeni Ufuklar (ed. New Horizons in Asia-Pacific Studies), Küre Yayınları, 2020, and a Strata journal special issue, titled “Soğuk Savaşa Yeniden Can Vermek” (Reviving the Cold War), Siyasal Kitabevi, 2022.