An introduction to our Foundation.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation
- is a catalyst for green visions and projects, a
think tank for policy reform, and an international network - is closely affiliated to the German Green Party
- promotes the development of democratic civil society at home and abroad
- defends equal rights and equal opportunities regardless of gender, sexual orientation,
religion, ethnicity, or nationality - supports cultural projects as part of our civic education programmes
- assists gifted, socially and politically active students and graduates in Germany and abroad
- co-operates with state foundations in all of the 16 German states
- is mostly financed through public funds (currently around 45 million euros per year)
The primary objectives guiding our work are
- establishing democracy and human rights
- fighting against environmental degradation
- safeguarding everyone’s rights of social participation
- supporting non-violent conflict resolution
- defending the rights of individuals
In Berlin, and Around the World
We work with 160 project partners in over 60 countries and currently maintain 29 international offices. About half of our funds are dedicated to projects abroad. Depending on the region and the political situation, our work has a range of thematic priorities, such as
- globalisation and sustainable development
- climate and energy policy
- strengthening civil society
- gender policy
- promotion of democracy
- European policy
- transatlantic dialogue
- political consulting
- arts and culture
- promoting young talent
For more detailed information please download our information brochure: