Perspectives #1.12
Political analysis and commentary from Turkey
Product details
Table of contents
3 Editor’s note
4 Feature articles: Turkey’s Deep State
4 Tracing the Deep State
Ayşegül Sabuktay
8 The Deep State: Forms of Domination, Informal Institutions and Democracy
Mehtap Söyler
12 Ergenekon as an Illusion of Democratization
Ahmet Şık
16 Democratization, revanchism, or...
Aydın Engin
18 The Near Future of Turkey on the Axis of the AKP-Gülen Movement
Ruşen Çakır
22 Counter-Guerilla Becoming the State, the State Becoming the Counter-Guerilla
Ertuğrul Mavioğlu
25 Is the Ergenekon Case an Opportunity or a Handicap?
Ali Koç
28 The Dink Murder and State Lies
Nedim Şener
32 Culture
Freedom of Expression in the Arts and the Current State of Censorship in Turkey
Pelin Başaran
33 Ecology
Solar Energy in Turkey: Challenges and Expectations
Ateş Uğurel
35 A Brief Evaluation of Seasonal Agricultural Workers in Turkey
Sidar Çınar
38 International Politics
Syria: The Case of the “Arab Spring” Transforming into the “Arab Revolution”
Cengiz Çandar
41 Turkey/Iran: A Critical Move in the Historical Competition
Mete Çubukçu
43 Democracy
4+4+4: Turning the Education System Upside Down
Aytuğ Şaşmaz
46 “Health Transformation Program” and the 2012 Turkey Health Panorama
Mustafa Sütlaş
48 How Multi-Faceted are the Problems of Freedom of Opinion and Expression in Turkey?
Şanar Yurdatapan
49 Crimes against Humanity and Persistent Resistance against Cruel Policies
Nimet Tanrıkul
53 News from hbs