Dossier 9 theses on criticizing the green economy Thomas Fatheuer, Lili Fuhr and Barbara Unmüßig of the Heinrich Böll Foundation set out to explore the basic assumptions, hypotheses and proposed solutions of the green economy and to illustrate and criticize their effects in practice. The possibility of the de-growth proposals in answering the challenges the humanity faces today Here you will find the program and the video records of the Green Economy Conference on DEGROWTH which was organised on the 17.10.2015 in Istanbul
9 theses on criticizing the green economy Thomas Fatheuer, Lili Fuhr and Barbara Unmüßig of the Heinrich Böll Foundation set out to explore the basic assumptions, hypotheses and proposed solutions of the green economy and to illustrate and criticize their effects in practice.
The possibility of the de-growth proposals in answering the challenges the humanity faces today Here you will find the program and the video records of the Green Economy Conference on DEGROWTH which was organised on the 17.10.2015 in Istanbul