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The world is face to face with a great climate crisis: global climate change is threatening the lives of various spices. Careless consumption of natural resources and the unquestioned acknowledgement of economic growth causes tens of big and local environmental problems. Maintaining the existent economic system magnifies those problems even further.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation sees ecology as one of the essential areas of politics. It questions the necessary radical changes for a sustainable life both in theory and practice, and strives for developing policies in that regard.

Our ecology program consists of three subtitles; climate change, energy, and social and ecological transformation. 

Dossier on the UN Biodiversity Conference in Cancún (CBD COP 13)

Mainstreaming Biodiversity is the central motto of the Cancún conference taking place 4-17 December, 2016. Our dossier follows the negoations in Mexico particularly on the issues of Synthetic Biology, New Economy of Nature and Geoengineering.